As much as we want Racing to make the playoffs they just don’t have it collectively. And fans aren’t going to come until they win consistently. LouCity won the whole thing the first two years in existence. That is the way to build a fan base and keep it.

I am not faulting the players or Bev just yet. It has been a rough few years.

But these players are not playing like a gelled team yet. Too many passes to a player only to have the player not give or go as the passer expected. That shouldn’t happen this far into the season. Injury’s or not. The trust isn’t there. Even Bev doesn’t trust her players. Maybe it is justified based on what she sees in practice. But look how pleasantly surprised she was with Jean play last game. And I thought she did great this game.

And our players need to quit playing dirty. Fisher. And Jordan. You can’t be doing that in the box.

The players need to quit whining about having fans at the game and just kick butt and win for themselves. Then the fans will come.

I have season tickets. Have had them for 3 years. My hubby and I were there Saturday. It was so miserable and then to see them give it away to boot. Such a bummer.

I will always be a fan but I am not wearing rose colored glasses these days. Bev and her staff need to step it up. And the players need to get over themselves.

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To be fair I’ve never heard players complain about crowds, only hope for more. So I wouldn’t ever put that particularly on the players. Winning is absolutely the key to sustained crowds but previous Fill the Fams have shown a casual crowd is there when games are hyped and this one fell short, in my opinion, for the reasons I listed. I also don’t necessarily agree Bev sounded surprised about EJ’s performance. She recruited EJ after working with her at Gotham so she knows what she can do. But I do think there is a little too much hesitancy to shake things up a bit and rotate and that’s frustrating. Something feels off kilter on the team. Hopefully getting Ary and others back after the prolonged international break will help too.

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For as long as I can remember, I have been wishing for a "nifty nine" to solve our scoring problem. This morning, I have a new question. Although the team is moving the ball into the final third, are they moving it too slowly, giving the defense time to fill up shooting alleys?

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

That seems to happen sometimes, but just as often there is space but no one has moved into it. We just perpetually seem to not be on the same page. And we also have the same old problem of not taking the shot when it's available and taking an extra touch instead or trying to find something perfect instead of just challenging the keeper more. So that can be a problem, especially when we had our slow starts, but in the Bay game I think it was just play falling apart in front of the box or poor read on teammates movements.

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